Welcome to Johnny Hunter's website. Invented by Médecins Sans Frontières and collective ET BIM, fictional anti-hero Johnny personifies the brutality, absurdity and contradictions of Europe's migration policies.

In 2015 one million people had no other choice than to risk their lives on makeshift boats as they attempted to flee across the sea to Europe. As the countries of Europe progressively shut down their borders, in March 2016 it was decided to send refugees landing in Greece back to Turkey. MSF runs search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean and provides assistance in Greece, Italy, northern France and along routes through the Balkans. You too can say #ImNotJohnny and join us in taking a stand against the EU's migration policies that abuse and reject people seeking refuge on European soil, condemning them to a clandestine existence and extreme hardship.

Médecins sans Frontières
Médecins sans Frontières

Johnny Hunter Migrant Buster - EP5 Picking the right migrants

The Geneva Conventions oblige its signatories to offer asylum to people fleeing persecution who are then granted refugee status. The term ‘refugee’ is often used in opposition to that of ‘economic migrant’ — those who can make no claim to having the right to enter Europe —, a distinction that forms the basis of the selection process applied in identification and registration centers (‘hotspots’) set up in Greece and Italy. But, the reality is that the vast majority of those arriving in Europe are fleeing war, extreme poverty and persecution.

Basem, Iranian refugee, finally reached the UK

Basem, Iranian refugee, finally reached the UK

Basem was a human rights activist back in Iran. For his own safety, he was forced to flee. He decided to join his uncle living in the United Kingdom. He got to Turkey and took a boat to Greece.

Refugees in Europe - Selecting nationalities [Médecins Sans Frontières]